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Xacobeo Xunta de Galicia web site concerning the pilgrimage
Arzobispado de Santiago Santiago de Compostela archbishopric web site
Unesco The Santiago de Compostela pilgrim routes : World heritage
European institute of cultural routes The European Cultural Routes
Santiago de Compostela Tourist guide

some Saint James associations

de Québec à Compostelle People from Quebec dedicated to the help of pilgrim from Quebec
Association des amis de Saint Jacques de Compostelle ASBL Belgian association site
Federacion Española Web site of the Spanish union of Spanish local Saint James's friends association
Union jacquaire de France Web site of the French Saint James friends Associations Union
Société des amis de Saint Jacques de Compostelle Web site of the first saint James friends association
Société des amis de Saint Jacques et d'études compostellanes de la Voie de Vézelay - "Via Lemovicensis" An association dedicated to the road of Vézelay
Association des amis du chemin de Saint Jacques des Pyrénées Atlantiques For those who intend to start from Saint Jean Pied de Port and need more information
Confraternita di San Jacopo di Compostella Internet site of the Italian fraternity which propose credencial for Jerusalem, Roma and Santiago
associação dos amigos do caminho de santiago do Porto In Portuguese
Confraternity of Saint James British Confraternity of the friends of Saint James. The web site contains their catalogue which is from my experience, one of the best for the accomodations

pray and pilgrim

Webcompostella The first and only site dedicated on the Way and on its spirituality
order of mass

all the routes

the road to Santiago Description of the main routes by a member of the Confraternity of Saint James
A chacun son chemin Site which would like to welcome and host the accounts of those who already walked the Camino
Caminho de Santiago em bicicleta, a pé e a cavalo Brasilian site on the Santiago way
Ultreia ! La boutique du randonneur Practical tricks, specific books


Le Bourdon du Pèlerin A craftman, pilgrim's sticks maker
Los sellos del camino de Santiago The stamps of the way
Chemins du Sud Accompanyed trekking
Antón Hurtado caminando a Santiago A watercolor Camino
Spain and Portugal France beyond France to other places