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via francigena

Association Via Francigena For the promotion of this road describe for the first time in 980 de Canterbury to Roma
La Via Francigena A well informed website on the Italian part
via Francigena di san Francesco the Rieti province which had already marked the way between the franciscan ermitages of Poggio Bustone, La Foresta, Fonte Colombo and Greccio now offer a way between Rieti and Rome.
Now the pilgrims who are concerned by Francis and Clare of Assiso can join Vézelay, Assisi and Roma through marked paths.


Route de Jérusalem Walk by two
Paul Jame de Lyon On his way to Jerusalem
6400 km à pied de Paris à Jérusalem A recent and detailled site

Tro Breiz

Les Chemins du Tro-Breiz The association which boosted the middle age pilgrimage. It organize the Tro Breiz on a 7 years cycle and promote the spiritual and physical greeting

the routes to the Mont Saint Michel

Les Chemins du Mont Saint Michel

Pilgrimage of the working world to Chartres

Pèlerinage du monde du travail sur la route de Chartres


Chemins d'Assise, chemin de paix de Vézelay à Assise
Cammino di Assisi
Spain and Portugal France beyond France to other places