Đỗ Ngọc Nguyễn Phước Coudoux Taillandier
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Nguyễn Phước 阮福

The Nguyễn Phước or Nguyến Phúc are a very old family. Lord of Huế, Central and Southern part of Vietnam, since the 16th century, theuy ruled Vietnam from 1802 to 1945.
Their family tree is certified since the XVth century. The link with Nguyễn Bặc (968-992) can't be verified.
3rd son of Chuong-Vo ou Luân with Nguyễn Thị Hoàn (Hưng Tổ Hiếu Khang Hoàng Hậu) :

Gia Long 嘉隆

Đức Thế Tổ Cao Hoàng đế
roi du Sud
empereur d'Annam
2 wifes
13 princes and 18 princesses
his 4th son with Trần thị Đang (Thuận Thiên Cao Hoàng Hậu) :

Minh Mạng 明命  

Đức Thánh Tổ Nhân Hoàng đế 
empereur d'Annam
Queen Hồ thị Thoa
78 princes and 64 princesses
his 3rd son with Phạm Thị Tuyết :

Miên Định 綿定 - Thọ Xuân Vương 壽春王


hoàng đế Miên Định - Thọ Xuân Vương
78 princes and 66 princesses
his 118st child, 61st son with Mai Thị Hạnh :

hường Cừ 洪拒

funeral stele
công tử Hường Cừ
wife : Nguyễn Văn Thị Mai
3 princes and 2 princesses
his 3rd son :

Ưng Khương 應康

công tôn Ưng Khương
2 princes and 9 princesse
his wife Ngô Thị Khang
his 3rd children :
Công Tằng Tôn Nữ Thị Tường 公曾孫女氏想
date of birth

27 mars 1914


Đỗ Ngọc Châu 杜玉珠

place of birth

Hué, Vietnam

date of decease

28 décembre 2000

place of decease



Name and title of the members of the royal family :

Names and titles of the royal family were strictly organized which help to undestand who's who among the more than 10.000 living descendants :
  1. Minh-Mang wrote a poem which allow to identified each generation without any link with their filiation. So his sons were all given as first name Miên and their sons Hường etc. The eldest son of the last empereur is Bảo Long, Bảo means that he is of the 6th generation after Minh Mạng.
  2. In addition, the titles respect the link with an emperor. The title of my grand mother, thị Tưởng, «công tằng tôn nữ», means that she is a descendant of an emperor at the fourth generation.